Veronica Laminarca, 1997, is a Brazilian artist based in the Netherlands, she holds a master of Visual Arts and Post Contemporary Practice from the Master Institute of Visual Cultures St. Joost (2024), and a Bachelor of Visual Arts from the University of Fine Arts of the State of São Paulo (2018).

Her research tackles the intersection of intimacy and a fictional manifestation of reality. Exploring the intricacies surrounding an inherently volatile digital landscape, her multimedia work makes use of installations, painted, printed, and pixel-driven images, to unfold the stories where the boundaries of physical and digital spaces converge, reshaping our understanding of what constitutes a 'home' in this digital age.

Her interests extend to topics within the conservation and longevity of new media art, especially the ones making use of immersive technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, exploring possible outcomes among an artist-institution relationship in subjects like safekeeping, preserving, and documenting these works.

As of 2023 she is an intern at the editorial board of JAR, the Journal of Artistic Research.


  • 2024 - Master on Visual Arts and Post-Contemporary Practice - Master Institute of Visual Cultures AKV|St. Joost, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.

  • 2024 - Criticae Masterclass - PH Museum

  • 2018 - Bachelor of Visual Arts - Painting, Engraving and Sculpture - Centro Universitário Belas Artes de  São Paulo.

Undergraduate Research

  • 2018 - Restoration as Confirmation of the Identity of the Work of Art: Materials. - Academic Scholarship in the Undergraduate Research Program of the Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo.


  • Rethinking The Artist Economy | De Kleine Aarde, Boxtel, Netherlands | September 2023.



  • Continuous Interlude | The Wrong Biennale | Online Pavillion - in collaboration with Rodrigo Ferrarezi



  • Hope this (  ) Finds You Well | Master Institute of Visual Cultures | ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.

  • Will Home Find Me? | Melkfabriek | ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.

  • WHITE BOX | Flæði Gallerý | Reykjavík, Iceland.
  • Print Screen | Ice Box Project Space | Philadelphia, PA, USA, also part of The Wrong Biennale | Online Pavillion.
  • Memória e impermanência | Núcleo de Pesquisa e Produção de Imagem NUPPI | Espaço Chão SLZ and Laboratório de Artes na Montanha - Graça Morais (LAM-GM) | Maranhão, Brazil and Bragança, Portugal.

  • Acervo Rotativo | Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade | São Paulo, Brazil.

  • This Show is Curated by a Machine | Museum of Wild and Newfangled Art (mowna) |  Online Exhibition.

  • Salão de Artes Visuais de Vinhedo (SAV 2021) | Centro de Exposições e Galeria de Artes Edilson Caldeira | Vinhedo, SP, Brazil.

  • PaPerFactory | Punk Cinema Festival Athens (PCFA) | Athens, Greece.

  • Galeria Lux | Lux Espaço de Arte | Online gallery for work sales.

  • Festivau de C4nn3$ no Hipocampo | Hipocampo |  Online Exhibition.

  • Olhe para trás | Maré Foto Festival | Online Exhibition.

  • Permitir o Afeto | Maré Foto Festival | Online Exhibition.

  • Instability and Precariousness | Loosen Art | Rome, Italy.

  • Return of the animated GIF | White Page Gallery |   Online Exhibition.

  • aarcade | The Wrong Biennale | Online Pavillion


  • 5ª FRESTA | Mostra de Audiovisual | Instituto de Artes - FURG |  Streaming Exhibition | Brazil. 

  • Punk Cinema Festival Amsterdam | Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  • A Marcha do Audiovisual | 12º Festivau de C4nn3$ | Online Exhibition | Brazil.

  • Relato | Projeto Numma e Visivo | Online Exhibition | Brazil.

  • 5ª Ocupação Ovárias -Mulheres em Cena | Online Exhibition | Brazil.

  • Casulo (Capullo/Coccon) | Online Exhibition international | Confluências de arte.

  • 100 Photos | Azucar Gallery | Berlin, Germany.

  • 020202020.SPACE | Online pavilion and exhibition in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Seoul, Amsterdam, Athens, and Barcelona.

  • The Wrong Biennale
           MEGALITH  | MetamerLabs | Svalbard, Norway.

            Tráfico de Influência | Online Pavilion | Brazil.


  • Sem Anos de História | Festivau de C4nn3$ | Lona Galeria | São Paulo, Brazil.

  • V Exposição Internacional de Arte Postal | Sede Cândido Ferreira | Campinas, SP, Brazil.


  • Abstratas Moradas | Espaço Di Grado | São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Terceira Bienal da Quebrada | Casa da Xiclet | São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Lambidas - 1ª Ocupação de Lambes | Matilha Cultural | São Paulo, Brazil.



  • Até breve | Photobook | Independent Publication | 84 copies, 1st edition | São Paulo, Brazil.

  • 11a Revista Têmpera | Grupo Têmpera | Online Magazine.

  • La Herrida | Galeria de Mulheres Artistas La Herrida | Online Magazine.

  • 2019 - Rare Birds Magazine | Being Human | Issue 001 | New York, USA.



  • Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair | SPROUT PUBLISH stand | Vienna, Austria.

  • Fotoboekenbeurs | SPROUT PUBLISH stand | Eindhoven, Netherlands.
